Thursday 24 March 2011

Looking for investment?

If you're one of the businesses looking for investment during 2011 then you are much more likely to succeed if you are well-prepared. Whatever the scale of your business, this means having a clearly-articulated business strategy and a credible plan to deliver it.

Your business strategy should set out a defensible market positioning: a compelling proposition in an attractuve niche. Your management team needs to have a proven track record in the industry and be capable of organising the resources, human and otherwise, to deliver the plan. The plan needs to explain how you will achieve the forecast top line (marketing and sales), the costs involved (people and facilities) and the risks and how you will mitigate them. It also, of course, needs to set out the financials - profit, loss and cash flow. These need to match the forecast sales and costs. A sophisticated set of numbers will show base, best and worst-case scenarios matching the risks and opportunities identified.

Finally the plan needs to show what is in it for the lender or investor. For the latter you will need to have a clear understanding of the value of your business before you start negotiating to sell some of it..

Learn how to develop a plan for your business by at my website.

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