Saturday 24 April 2010

What's troubling your staff right now?

Clive Pugh and Nick Forgham have just carried out a telephone survey of the main staff issues that business owners and business professionals were experiencing in the current economic climate.

They talked to 20 individuals, making a note of the words and phrases they used and then scoring the frequency. Although this is only a small sample the results make interesting reading.

From the responses a Top 10 of staff issues was compiled as below. Some grouping of issues under a single word heading was carried out. For example “focus” was interpreted as an alternative word used for “motivation”, and “commitment” and “buy-in” were taken to be part of the broader word “engagement”.

Many of the issues would appear to overlap in particular the categories of overwork and stress; though the latter was only scored when the exact word was used.

The balance of frequency of staff issues put forward by business owners and professionals was very heavily weighted to the ones at top of the list with 83% of responses covered by the top 6 and 33% by the top two alone.

The list is open to a great deal of interpretation as it only shows the words or phrases actually expressed. The respondents were not prompted in anyway, so although issues such as Wellbeing/Health and Absenteeism had a low score those issues may well be present though perhaps less evident and not so immediately impactful.

The Top 10 issues are:

1. Motivation
2. Engagement
3. Job Security
4. Overwork
5. Performance
6. Communication
7. Stress
8. Wellbeing/Health
9. Staff Retention
10. Absenteeism

Clive Pugh of Clive Pugh Career Coaching 0118 966 2530 or 07967 309568

Nick Forgham of Have a Healthy Life 0118 966 0274 or 07776 258366

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